My son Wes and my granddaughter Chloe, on the left side of the picture.

My daughter Rebecca & Son-in Law Irvin Meachum, and grandson Irv Jr. , on the the 2009 at the Turtle Creek Casino
***Special thanks to Dick Send & Family

                           Irvin Meachum and Grandson Irv Jr, both on their first tractor safari


                My son Wes Stewart and Granddaughter Chloe Stewart 





Home Page

A website dedicated to Antique Tractor Collectors

from around the globe,

specializing in hobby related topics in the USA.


This website will include auction results and fun-filled events for Tractor Enthusiasts and their families. Tractor & hobby related items for sale can be posted here...when I get that up and running. We will post stories from the past with pictures from steam days and the farm in general. We will include Country Kitchen recipes and any other old fashioned, down home topics that may be relevant to the hobby.

I welcome hobby related sponsorship!


I will always seek advice and input from you, the collector. As Always...Thank you for looking today!

Your pictures, stories & recipes, are crucial to the success of this website!


            The Newest edition to the family...My 1960 Ford Powermaster 861
                  Wait and see how pretty she'll be shining Spring 2011